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Meet us

Stay tuned and meet some of our people!

You’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across the business and worldwide – people from all kinds of backgrounds and with diverse experience. Our different personalities and ideas make us stronger. Whatever your role may be, or become, you will experience that even though we are vastly different, we all come together around living the same values. 

Meet Lea: “Nordea is a place full of opportunities - I have definitely experienced it myself”

Meet Lea: “Nordea is a place full of opportunities - I have definitely experienced it myself” I see Nordea as an organisation full of opportunities, whether you want to work directly with customers, develop IT or become a leader. We have a strong feedback culture that empowers and encourages you to get the most out of your competences and utilise your skills. Nordea is also a social working place. You can always find someone or a group with the same interests as you. People are always open here. I feel lucky to have a job where I interact with so many people from different cultures and with a wide range of skillsets, which inspires and challenges me to see things in a new way. This environment boost my energy and fosters my creativity.

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Sounds like a great place to work, right? Be sure to look at our vacant positions and become our next great colleague!

Vacant positions