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Meetings and attendance

Meetings and attendance 2023

The table shows the number of meetings held by the Board of Directors of Nordea Bank Abp and its committees in 2023 as well as the attendance at these meetings of the individual Board members:

Board members' attendanceBoard of DirectorsBoard Audit Committee Board Risk Committee Board Remuneration and People Committee Board Operations and Sustainability Committee  
Number of meetings (of which per capsulam)12 (3)9 (0)11 (1)7 (1)7 (0)
Elected by shareholders at the AGM     
Sir Stephen Hester (Chair)
Torbjörn Magnusson (Vice Chair and Board member until March 2023)3------3---
Lene Skole (Vice Chair)128---------
Arja Talma129---4---
Birger Steen12---11---7
John Maltby  12911---2
Jonas Synnergren 12---------7
Per Strömberg
(Board member as of March 2023)
Petra van Hoeken12911------
Risto Murto
(Board member as of March 2023)
Robin Lawther
(Board member until March 2023)
Appointed by employees     
Dorrit Groth Brandt ( member until September 2023)10------------
Gerhard Olsson
(deputy member until March 2023)
Hans Christian Riise 12    
Joanna Koskinen (deputy member as of March 2023)12------------
Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen (as of September 2023 2