Management shareholding

The table below shows the shareholding and shares in deferral in Nordea Bank Apb of the management of Nordea. 

In accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) N:o 596/2014, Nordea publishes all its managers' transactions by a Stock Exchange Release. The releases can be found in the link list below. Management holdings as at the end of the previous financial period are included in Nordea’s annual Corporate Governance Statement published in connection with the Annual Report.

Board of Directors

Shareholding in Nordea as of 21.03.2024

NamePositionShareholding in Nordea
Stephen HesterChair90,260
Lene SkoleVice Chair29,031
Arja TalmaMember10,000
Lars RohdeMember0
John MaltbyMember8,241
Jonas SynnergrenMember0
Kjersti WiklundMember11,000
Per StrömbergMember10,000
Petra van HoekenMember2,400
Risto MurtoMember11,192


Group Leadership Team

Shareholding in Nordea as of 5.2.2025.

NamePositionShareholding in NordeaNordea shares in deferral*Total 
Frank Vang-JensenGroup CEO231,050222,057453,107
Sara MellaHead of Personal Banking65,828100,576166,404
Nina ArkilahtiHead of Business Banking58,72887,105145,833
Petteri ÄnkiläHead of Large Corporates & Institutions82,28535,813118,098
Martin A PerssonHead of Asset & Wealth Management72,013113,145185,158
Kristen RennerHead of Technology7,11122,13829,242
Mads Skovlund PedersenHead of Group Business Support19,59427,64647,240
Mark KandborgChief Risk Officer38,08652,82790,913
Christina GadebergChief People Officer35,31268,765104,077
Jussi KoskinenChief Legal Officer40,81179,189120,000
Ulrika RomantschukHead of Brand, Communications and Marketing22,91042,23965,149
Ian SmithGroup Chief Financial Officer70,438119,357189,795
Jamie GrahamChief Compliance Officer22,47440,84063,314


*Relating to shares from STIP and LTIP awards earned during performance years 2019-2023. Does not include LTIP 2022–2024, LTIP 2023-2025 and LTIP 2024-2026 as not yet deferred. Further information on remuneration and our abbreviations can be found here

Managers' transactions