If you are implementing the service, you will find relevant information below.
New Corporate Access Test Tool
Nordea has partnered with Finnish vendor XMLdation to provide customers with an improved test tool for validating different ISO20022 messages/scenarios for Corporate Access.
With the test tool customers can test their payment files and receive simulated feedback files. Additionally the tool supports testing of Secure Envelope, and will continuously be updated with new standards as ISO20022 Version 2019 and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) in 2025.
Register as user:
To get full access to the test tool, sign up via XMLdation’s registration page below and use the registration code to receive your personal login credentials on e-mail.
Once logged in, you can access the tool’s user guide for instructions. For additional support, visit the Corporate Access homepage.
Current Corporate Access Test Tool
The current test tool for Corporate Access will be closed by the end of November.
With the test tool you can test your payment files and receive feedback files. For more information regarding which file you can test, please see the test tool user guide:
Standard ISO20022 XML Schemas
Nordea’s Corporate Access service follows the standard ISO20022 XML schemas for all its files. The standard XML schemas can be found by using this external link to www.iso20022.org.
Example document
Provides example per available payment type in Corporate Access. Pain001.001.03 Denmark-Finland-Norway-Sweden plus international payments.
Example files Corporate Access Payables
Payment instruction Pain001.001.03
Note: Secure Envelope is a prerequisite for files sent via Host2Host communication, except for Swiftnet Fileact.
Pain002 File Status file
Upon reception, Nordea’s system forms a file status report Message.
Pain002 Status Report file
Nordea offers as an optional service to provide the Company with a status report on file.
Camt054 Debit Advice file
Nordea offers as an optional service to provide the Company with a debit advice report on file.