Nordean eläkesäätio (Nordea's Finnish Pension Foundation)

The purpose of Nordea’s Pension Foundation (hereinafter Pension Foundation) is to grant Nordea Group’s Finnish companies’ persons old-age and disability pensions as well as survivors’ and supplementary pensions according to the rules of the Pension Foundation. 

The Pension Foundation has been closed for persons belonging to the KOP pension foundation since 1 July 1991 and for those belonging to the SYP pension fund since 1 January 1992.

The Pension Foundation’s sponsoring employers are Nordea Bank Oyj, Nordea Life Assurance Finland Ltd, Nordea Funds Oy, Nordea Finance Finland Ltd, Nordea Mortgage Bank Plc and the Finnish branch of Nordea Investment Management AB registered in Sweden.

Contact information


Supplementary pensions

Porasto Oy
Supplementary pensions: tel 09 7527 7333
Address: Porasto Oy, Arabiankatu 12, 00560 Helsinki

Log in

Supplementary pension benefit record

The Pension Foundation’s supplementary pension benefit record is posted each year to the insured and those with a paid-up policy.

The supplementary pension benefit record contains an estimate of the amount of both the supplementary pension and the statutory pension, if the supplementary pension begins at the Pension Foundation’s old-age pension age. The estimate always considers the latest adopted rules and the earnings data for the previous year.

Investment operations

The objective of the Pension Foundation’s investment operations is to ensure sufficient liquidity so that the pension expenditure and other costs can be covered without unprofitable realisations. The assets covering technical provisions have been invested in accordance with the relevant regulations in a secure and profitable manner. 

The Pension Foundation’s benefits are based on defined benefits, which means that the benefits must be paid in all situations and the sponsoring employers must finance their benefits regardless of investment operations. The Pension Foundation must have at least as much in assets as it has technical provisions. The Pension Foundation’s technical provisions are completely covered.

The Pension Foundation implements an investment policy, which is adopted annually. The Pension Foundation’s assets are classified into fixed income investments, equity investments and real estate investments. Investment risks are prepared for by monitoring the allocation, variation ranges and solvency and by preparing stress tests at least monthly.

Financial statements and annual report


Other documents


Nordea Pension’s Foundation is committed with the highest ethical standards and according to applicable laws, rules and regulations. For this reason we encourage all Pension’s Foundation’s stakeholders to always report any suspected fraudulent or unethical behaviour.

Please note that this channel should not be used for customer complaints or to report on issues related to personal disputes

Customer service details:



Katriina Hyvönen

Telephone: +358 400 996 435

Email: katriina.hyvonen (@)

Address: Arabiankatu 12, 00560 Helsinki

Board of Directors contact

Lauri Hallberg, Chairman

Email: lauri.hallberg (@)

Billing address