Get the latest insights related to foreign exchange (FX), also known as the currency market.

Business analysis stock graph showing market data. Currency risk affects all international companies.


5 steps to manage your currency risk

If you think currency and exchange rates are only a concern for bankers, it's time to think again. Currency risks affect all international companies.

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Kristoffer Jansell portrait

Corporate insights

Charting the course in treasury automation: An interview with Kristoffer Jansell

Meet Kristoffer Jansell, aka Mr. AutoFX, one of the drivers behind Nordea’s cutting-edge automation tools for FX and treasury operations. Kristoffer shares his career journey, insights into the future of treasury automation and how Nordea is working to stay at the forefront of innovation.

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Businesswoman checking financial stock market


Nordea named world’s best bank for treasury FX services

Global Finance has named Nordea the World's Best Bank for Treasury FX Services in its 2024 Best Treasury and Cash Management Awards.

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People sitting in front of computers, working in a modern office

Corporate insights

Top 10 reasons to automate your treasury workflow

Companies large and small are turning to automation to streamline and optimise operations in their treasury and finance departments. Here are the top 10 reasons why.

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Corporate insights

Staying ahead in volatile markets: Why corporates should have an FX and liquidity strategy for their cash pools

In a world of higher interest rates and currency volatility, companies have an even greater need to monitor and manage their liquidity, cash positions and FX exposure. Our Nordea Markets experts explain why a strategy for cash pool optimisation is now a must-have for treasury and finance departments.

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Vung Ang in Vietnam

Corporate insights

Top 5 hidden FX risks from doing business in emerging markets

Local regulations in emerging markets can result in time-consuming administrative process and trapped cash. Don't get caught off guard. Jana Poulsenova, Managing Director in Nordea Markets, shares the top risks to be aware of when doing business in these markets.

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Matti Honkanen

Corporate insights

Why treasury automation is the future

In the latest e-Forex podcast, Matti Honkanen, Head of Next Gen FX at Nordea, reflects on the latest trends in treasury technology and automation.

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Mountain bikers putting bike on the back of their car

Corporate insights

Why Thule Group went all-in on automation

In recent years, Thule Group has used automation to revamp its approach to cash management and FX handling. Automation itself wasn't the end goal but rather the means to becoming a more strategic treasury. The move has paid off, freeing up time for more complex and value-adding tasks.

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stock market numbers and graphs


Exciting times for FX automation

FX trading is undergoing a digital transformation, with automated solutions eliminating the manual, repetitive tasks and making more time for brain work. Matti Honkanen, Nordea’s head of Next Gen FX, talks to e-Forex’s Larry Levy in a podcast about the rapid change that’s underway.

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Man working


Subscription based business models in corporate banking

With subscription business models spreading across nearly all industry verticals, the financial industry is often described as a laggard in this area. Jean-Francois Tapprest, Large Corporates & Institutions (LC&I) Business Innovation Lead at Nordea, analyses how a large part of the corporate banking business is already “subscription-like” and how banks can gain inspiration from modern subscription-based models.

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Lassila & Tikanoja garbage truck


Circular economy champion L&T discovers ease of FX automation

Environmental services company L&T started using Nordea's AutoFX currency robot mid-pandemic in 2020 to reduce the manual work needed to manage its currency risk. FX automation has been a game changer for the company's treasury department.

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Robot and eye

Corporate insights

Redefining the treasury through automation

Automation is a strategic opportunity for finance and treasury departments to move closer to the business in their companies and drive innovation. FX automation is one clear place to start.

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