Essi & Johan FFP1 2021

FFP #1: Meet Essi and Johan – hear about the life as intern

11-06-2021 09:00

Greetings from Nordea Markets Finland! And a warm welcome to our next generation of talented Future Finance Professionals. We're happy to introduce some of them to you - first up are Essi and Johan, telling why they joined the FFP program, about their expectations, and the current tasks, challenges and fun as interns.

Greetings from Nordea Markets Finland! And a warm welcome to our next generation of talented Future Finance Professionals. We're happy to introduce some of them to you - first up are Essi and Johan, telling why they joined the FFP program, about their expectations, and the current tasks, challenges and fun as interns.


By Essi and Johan

Essi Lepistö (23)

Education: I am a MSc student at Aalto University, majoring in finance. In addition, I am completing a CEMS master’s in International Management degree.

I am currently working as assistant sales manager in the FX/MM team, in the front office at Nordea Markets in Helsinki. Foreign currencies (FX) is at the core of my everyday work. During my first few weeks here, I have become familiar with e.g. Spot, Forward contract, Swap and Option. I am truly impressed how working at a FX team in only a few weeks’ time, has provided a steep learning curve, and a lot of responsibilities – with more to come!

Why internship at Nordea Markets?

I have a genuine interest towards different financial markets, and I am excited to learn how to implement the learnings from the University to practise. So, applying to an internship at Nordea Markets felt like a natural choice.

The teams at Markets are usually divided by asset types, and when working here, you get to know other teams, and learn about their work as well. Therefore, this internship is an excellent opportunity to explore career opportunities at Nordea Markets.

What I look forward to in my upcoming summer at Markets?

I look forward to deepening my knowledge in foreign currencies and money markets, and to challenge myself in demanding tasks among our summer project – all the while to have a lot of fun with my fellow FFPs and other colleagues. Right now, I am excited about our first FFP event which takes place later today, and we get to know each other better.

When I’m not at Nordea Markets, I like to …?

Enjoy the company of my friends and family, play golf, and explore the nature.


Johan Elfvengren (26)

Education: I’m currently finishing my MSc studies in Finance at Turku School of Economics. My minors are economics along with management and organization.

I’m spending my summer as FFP trainee in Corporation and Institutional Wealth where I work as an Investment Advisor for the Corporates and Institutions. My daily tasks are highly diverse and vary from portfolio analysis to customer relationship management. Our team focuses on delivering highly tailored investment solutions to meet our customers’ needs. In this holistic investment approach, I get to work with portfolio and ESG analysis, reporting, portfolio optimization, model development and risk management. So, I’ll become familiar with quite a lot of interesting topics during this summer.

Why internship at Nordea Markets?

Being fascinated by finance, it has throughout my studies been a clear vision for me, that if I wanted to be at the heart of the financial markets in Finland, I have to work in Nordea Markets. When the opportunity to start my journey as FFP intern arose, it was an easy choice. Here I can learn extensively from different areas and deepen my knowledge in finance.

Furthermore, I had also heard a lot of positive things about the work environment at Markets from many of my friends, who have worked here. And I have to say, that these first two months have proven them to be right. People here comes from diversified backgrounds, but at the same time, they more or less have the similar mindset as me. Also, I get to work with highly talented, smart and goal-oriented people who are always ready to share their knowledge, which I see even more valuable than the work itself. Like one said, don’t choose the job, choose the people you work with.

What I look forward to in my upcoming summer?

I’ve been here two months now, and I’m really surprised how much I have learned already. I want to continue to keep my learning curve this steep, and look forward to seeing myself in four months’ time from now, and see how much I have learned then. It is safe to say that the answer will be “a lot”.

But what I especially look forward to this summer is to get to know and spend time with other FFPs. Since we all have lived in this pandemic situation which have restricted our social life over a year now, I really look forward to seeing the situation getting better, so we can organize all the events that out Fun Managers have planned. And I’m really confident that things will get better. There is no summer without summer party!

When I’m not at Nordea Markets, I like to …?

Usually run, go to the gym and play basically any sports. And this summer, I look forward to having drinks with my friends and just enjoy the summer nights.

Stay tuned for more blogs about the FFP life at Nordea – meet Eeva and Antti.

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