Lone Sjursen Kleveland and Thea Stensaker

“Finansjentene” – Unusual partnership behind unique podcast series

08-09-2021 09:00

In a flow of podcasts, Thea and Lone launch a rather unique podcast series! It's distinctive as they put spotlight on work life in finance e.g. in front-office positions where they work - in competing banks; Nordea and Danske Bank. Get insight with Thea and Lone, and a line-up of inspiring and esteemed profiles.

Lone Sjursen Kleveland, FX Dealer at Danske Bank Markets, Norway.

We’re live on air! After a run-up with preparation and creative thinking, we, Lone (from Danske Bank Markets) and myself (from Nordea Markets), are excited to launch our podcast series called Finansjentene (Girls in Finance). If you’re thinking, this is a series made by women to women only! You’re wrong – it’s more than that.

We’ve lined up a string of interviews with a wide range of people with affiliation to the financial industry; e.g. professors and the likes, together with people who work in finance in general, including women in front-office positions.

We look forward to presenting and discussing various guests’ views on for instance what various jobs in finance entail, and showcasing why a position in e.g. front-office is joyful and intriguing, and sometimes tricky.

Thea Stensaker, Sales Manager in Credit Sales at Nordea Markets, Norway.

By debating work life in finance with diverse insightful people, we hope to strip away myths, and show that it’s not as ‘scary’ or tough as some might think. Forget about films and series like “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “Exit”. Working at the trading floor is nothing like that, at all. Working here is really rewarding, exciting and fun.

Tag along and you’ll know what we’re talking about. In this, our opening episode, Lone and I talk about what a job like ours, in FX Sales and Credit sales, is all about. We discuss which features are required, why we enjoy our job, and much more. Tune in, together with my manager who’s all ears:

“We need employees with different skillsets and backgrounds in Markets. Therefore, it is important to explain what a job in finance entails, and why it is such an amazing place to work,” says Thea’s manager, Morten Otterhals Johansen, Head of Fixed Income Sales, Nordea Markets, Norway, adding:

I am impressed by the efforts Thea and Lone have put into this, and believe this is a step in the right direction for us to attract a more diverse group of applicants. I look forward to following their podcast series – and I am sure I will learn a lot.

Morten Otterhals Johansen

Coming up are interviews with:

Karin Thorburn, Research Chair Professor of Finance at Norwegian School of Economics. Karin will tell about her job as finance professor, and we will, among others, discuss why bankruptcies actually are good and important.

Tiril Flørnes Støle, Equity Research Analyst at Sparebank 1 Markets, will bring insight to her job, and tell what it’s like to have a job where you disagree with the market.

We’ll release a podcast every second week, and you can also follow us on the “Finansjentene” LinkedIn page where people share information, ask questions and provide feedback and comments.

Click to hear our first podcast – and stay tuned🎧.

A bit about us and our (unusual) partnership and vision

You might wonder why Lone and I, with jobs in competing banks, partner up to launch a podcast series, produced privately outside working hours!

It kicked-off in the fall 2020 when Lone and I met by coincident as we were invited to join the board of a network group called “Kvinner i front-finans” (Women in Front-office). The central purpose of the network is to attract more women to the financial industry, and retain those already working in front-office positions.

Lone and I became responsible for the LinkedIn group Kvinner i front-finans, and we quickly realized that we were not the only ones who back in the days, after university, “stumbled” into a job in front-office as it was challenging to find information about the different positions and opportunities in finance. And that’s one of the purposes with our podcast: We wish to bring insight to the world of finance, and put spotlight on career opportunities and challenges through hands-on experiences from a diverse group of people.

Tune in to our podcast here – and please chip in with comments and ideas :-).

You can also find the podcast on Spotify.

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