05-12-2024 09:28

Now, you can get a smarter view of your investments with a sustainable focus

Customers can now benefit from quicker ways to find information and get started investing with a sustainable focus. “More customers tell us they want to consider sustainability when saving,” says our sustainable investment specialist Knut Bitustøyl. 

Being able to make sustainable choices is becoming more important in the Nordics, according to our Nordic Pulse survey. In general, younger customers, particularly millennials, are the most interested in sustainability-focused investments.

“More than 4 out of 10 customers express that they want to consider sustainability when investing, a doubling since we started asking customers in 2019. We are now taking steps to increase sales to sustainability-focused funds in online channels.” says Knut Bitustøyl, Sustainable Investment Specialist. The development of the new features has been a collaboration between our teams working with digital solutions and our teams responsible for the savings offering. 
Millennials as a group uses online self-services to a high degree. As a response, new functionalities have been developed the past year in Mobile and Netbank:

  • A better guide to identify sustainability-focused investments.
  • A transparent and comprehensive view of funds’ sustainability characteristics. 
  • A better experience by harmonising the way we present sustainable savings advice across channels. 

“What we do differently at Nordea is to provide information on the fund’s sustainability strategy and commitment in addition to the current exposure. Covering both what the fund manager says and what the fund holds is valuable information when evaluating the sustainability characteristics of funds," says Knut Bitustøyl.

Nordea Sustainable Selection and Nordea Sustainable Selection – Improve

Nordea Sustainable Selection is a range of products that we have assessed and selected based on our rigorous ESG criteria. We assess both the products and the product managers behind them. 
These are some of the things we look at in our assessment for Nordea Sustainable Selection: 

  •  Sustainability factors (ESG factors) are an integrated part of the investment process. 
  • Controversial companies and companies working against sustainable development are excluded. For example companies involved in tobacco, gambling and pornography.
  • Product managers are active in using their power to influence the companies they invest in to move in a more sustainable direction. 

Nordea Sustainable Selection – Improve is a subcategory with funds that focus on selecting companies based on their potential to become more sustainable over time. These funds have active ownership at the core of the investment process. 

Read more about Nordea Sustainable Selection
Digital banking