15-07-2021 09:29

Podcast: Showing you are sustainable and reaping the rewards

In this Nordea On Your Mind podcast, Johan Trocmé, Viktor Sonebäck and Kajsa Andersson discuss what has driven the hype around sustainability, why it is here to stay and how their analysis clearly shows that it pays off through superior financial performance.
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Based on the latest Nordea On Your Mind report "ESG: Reaping the rewards," Johan Trocmé, Viktor Sonebäck and Kajsa Andersson explain what an ESG rating is and implies. They also explore what's the natural tool for measuring a company's sustainability while operating in a rapidly evolving area with many providers with different approaches.

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If you are a corporate client and want to access the full Nordea On Your Mind report, please contact viktor.soneback [at] nordea.com (Viktor Sonebäck).
