By Sara & Mikaela
At the time of writing, it is the last day of our internship. We’re a bit sad to leave, and it feels really strange to go after having spent the summer here at Nordea Markets, where we have felt very welcomed and learned so much from day one. It’s been such a great experience getting to know so many nice, helpful and super skilled people at Markets.
Now, it’s time for us to go back to school – (much) wiser! This internship has truly given us invaluable insight and a deeper understanding of the financial markets – knowledge, you can’t acquire at university.
A perfect ending
We spent our last weeks on the equity side of Markets, and more specifically in Securities Advisory and Equity Research.
At Securities Advisory, they create investment solutions including both equity and bonds. So, our case of the week was to construct a pension fund to a client. When structuring the portfolio, we took the current macro situation into consideration, and focused on creating a diversified portfolio including bonds, stocks and structured products.
We then moved on to Equity Research, where we were fortunate to get to assist on an ongoing case, which was really educational and fun. And a perfect ending to a great internship.