By Gabriella, Anna and Johanna
People say time flies when you are having fun, and that is truly something we have experienced during our summer internship at Markets. It feels like the past seven weeks have passed by in the blink of an eye – and now suddenly, we have reached our last week of this internship.
We are very happy and thankful to get to spend these last days at the Macro Research & Strategy desk where we have done lots of different things during our time here. First of all, we have had many highly interesting discussions with several of the Macro people, who have been glad to answer our many questions and share their knowledge with us. These talks have been very rewarding for us since we have gained a much deeper understanding of inflation, rates, market dynamics in general, and so much more.
Furthermore, we also got the opportunity to help Gustav Helgesson, analyst in Research & Risk Solutions, write two morning reports. Even though it meant two really early mornings at the office, we thought it was fun and informative and gave us a truly hands-on experience – which was highly appreciated.
Similarly to previous weeks, we got a case assigned to us. The task was to examine how the productivity growth has developed and differed over time between emerging markets and advanced economies. One of the challenges in this case was to find sufficient and valid data for emerging markets.