Cyber security is obviously something banks and financial institutions are very focused on throughout the year but October gives us a good chance to highlight the theme proactively to both customers, employees and society in general.
Nordea has been very active and engaged during Cyber Security Month. We have arranged no less than 11 internal webinars touching on the topic from different angles to raise awareness amongst employees of the bank, regardless of the type of work that they do. Looking at cyber security and fraud from an internal perspective, we have focused on the key things employees need to think about such as how easy is it to click on the wrong thing or give out information by mistake or maybe in the worst case scenario, dragging a malicious file inside the bank without realising.
Nordea has also participated in, as well as hosted, local customer facing webinars in cooperation with other partners. In Sweden, for example, we held two live webinars together with the National Fraud prevention branch of the police. This time around we actually pushed invites to the fraud awareness seminars through the Nordea mobile banking app. That was quite a new thing for us and we had many people dialing in.
Our joint seminars with the police focused on how to prevent becoming a victim of cybercrime and what to do if this unfortunately happens to be the case. During the sessions, the police reminded participants that although for offline and other types of crimes, the first thing you should do is actually contact the police, if you suspect a cybercrime the first thing you should do is contact the bank because if you’re really quick, you might even have a chance to stop the crime before it develops. Then you can contact the police.
We also have other types of activities that are ongoing on a regular basis where we highlight the fraud risks. For instance, in the more general topic of how to become more digital, we would highlight a fraud awareness aspect to that as well.