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28-11-2023 09:21

Finnish startup gets a boost from mentoring programme and is now looking for the right partner for its next steps

Oulu-based QuietOn is one of several Finnish health tech startups looking to grow internationally. Along its journey, the company has sought support from the various programmes Nordea offers to growth companies. Earlier this year, QuietOn was chosen as the winner of the Superfinns programme organised by Nordea and Kasvu Open.
Winner of Superfinns

Superfinns is a mentoring programme designed for scalable Finnish growth companies that have potential to make a splash on the international stage. 

QuietOn is a fast-growing brand in the sleep market. Its flagship product, QuietOn 3.1, is the only noise-cancelling earbud on the market designed for sleeping. What makes these earbuds so unique is that they are comfortable even for side sleepers due to their small size.  QuietOn’s business is very international and it sells its products worldwide. Most of the sales come from the US through the company’s online shop. 

Participating in Nordea and Kasvu Open’s Superfinns programme also increased the company’s visibility in Finland.

“The Superfinns programme enabled us to be mentored by a diverse group of top experts. There were also joint sessions where we had interesting discussions with other growth companies, sharing our experiences. The different experts we met gave us useful tips and validation that we had identified the correct areas for improvement and confidence that we are headed in the right direction. We had been hoping to gain more visibility in Finland and our win did just that. I was especially pleased for our team because this is recognition for the great work they have been doing for a long time,” says QuietOn CEO Katja Siberg. 

QuietOn has also participated in Nordea’s Investor Speed Dating event, which is designed to match high-potential startups with private equity investors. Over the past three years, Nordea has helped more than 650 businesses and 830 investors meet at these Investor Speed Dating events.

Investor Speed Dating was very well structured because it allowed investors to get to know the businesses beforehand and choose which ones they wanted to meet. This made the event productive for both parties.

Katja Siberg

QuietOn believes it has what it takes to succeed and is now looking for a partner to support its vision of becoming a global leader in sleep earbuds. 

“About two billion people struggle with sleep because they are disturbed by noises, such as their partner’s snoring or the traffic outside. The urban lifestyle means that external noise is becoming more and more of an issue. QuietOn 3.1 offers a solution to this massive problem that is proven to work. Our customers say that our product could even save marriages,” Katja Siberg concludes. 

Nordea’s Startup & Growth unit was founded 10 years ago with the aim to help businesses which had their sights on international growth with their banking. Today, Nordea collaborates closely with growth companies throughout their lifecycles. 

“We have the know-how and connections to a large network of private equity investors. And this is what we want to offer to the Finnish growth companies as part of our values and contribution to society. Growth companies play a huge role in boosting Finland’s competitiveness and economic growth and in creating new innovations,” says Vesa Riihimäki, Head of Nordea’s Startup & Growth unit in Finland.

For the seventh year in a row, Nordea is also one of the main partners of Slush – a major startup event which brings together investors and growth companies at the end of November. Nordea will be there to facilitate these meetings with its Investor Speed Dating event. 

