In the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, Nordea wishes to ensure that the AGM can be organised safely and in a predictable manner allowing equal means for shareholders to participate in the meeting. Therefore, it is not possible to attend the meeting in person.
A separate webcast will be arranged after the AGM at 16.00 EET where the shareholders have the possibility to ask questions from senior management.
Shareholders can participate in the meeting and exercise their shareholders’ rights by voting in advance between 3 March and 16 March online or by e-mail or traditional mail as well as by making counterproposals and asking questions in advance.
The webcast will present the resolutions made at the AGM and include the presentations by Torbjörn Magnusson, Nordea’s Chair of the Board, and Frank Vang-Jensen, President and Group CEO. Shareholders will also have the opportunity to participate in a virtual Q&A session together with Torbjörn Magnusson, Frank Vang-Jensen, Sara Mella, Head of Personal Banking, and Nina Arkilahti, Head of Business Banking, followed by an interview with Stephen Hester, the proposed new member and future Chair of the Board.
The webcast will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation in Finnish and Swedish. Questions can be posted live through a chat function during the webcast.
Instructions for voting
Detailed instructions for shareholders on advance voting are further described at nordea.com/agm.
How to join the shareholder webcast
To join the webcast, please sign up via this link.