19-04-2023 14:58

Improved gender balance at all levels of the organisation

Nordea’s good progress towards gender balance at all levels of the organisation is reflected in this year’s SHE Index where Nordea is number 1 in Sweden and Finland.

Nordea’s focus on diversity and inclusion is paying off, and further progress was made during 2022, also compared to other Nordic companies, as this year’s SHE Index shows - with Nordea at a top spot in Sweden and Finland. 111 companies have participated in the index, which evaluates how gender equality is realised and progressing in the companies participating in the index.

“We want to be the most inclusive partner to our customers and the most inclusive employer we can be,” says Head of Diversity & Inclusion Åsa Nilsson Billme. “Our commitment to diversity and inclusion aims to fuel our business and operation. A diverse workforce helps us in understanding and meeting customer needs, laying the best foundation for innovation, being an attractive employer as well as a responsible corporate citizen,” she adds.

Head of Diversity & Inclusion Åsa Nilsson Billme.
We want to be the most inclusive partner to our customers and the most inclusive employer we can be.

Diversity and inclusion a company target

“The strong commitment to the area is also reflected in our sustainability targets where Nordea is committed to reach a gender balance at top management level at the end of 2025. Nordea’s definition of gender balance is when no gender is represented by less than 40% at the different levels of the organisation. The target is an aspiration for all parts of the organisation and especially at top management level progress has been quite visible,” explains Åsa Nilsson Billme:

“We have an almost even gender balance in our workforce, and our target of minimum 40% is reached in the total leader group. Hence, we continue to strive towards an even better gender balance in all pockets and at all levels of the organisation and in 2022 we succeeded in reaching minimum 40% at the level just below the Group Leadership Team.”  

But even though Nordea has progressed, it doesn’t mean that we’re slowing down our effort. Focus is also very much on talent and recruitment so we don’t lose momentum and on our external recruitment of leaders, and when we look at the succession pipeline for top management positions, we have also made really good progress in the gender balance. 

What is the SHE Index?

The SHE Index was created in 2018 in Norway by the SHE organisation to document how far individual companies had come with regard to gender balance. The idea was to create an index that would reflect the status of gender equality in corporate life and also to understand the underlying factors in achieving progress with respect to equality. The index has since then expanded to other Nordic countries.

The index consists of six categories focused on different aspects of gender equality; Actual Gender Balance, Policies and Measurement, Actions, Talent and Recruitment, Gender Pay Gap and General Diversity & Inclusion.

Diversity & inclusion
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