Navigating the Identity and Access Management Landscape at Nordea

06-05-2024 08:35

Kaarina is one of the many remarkable colleagues at Nordea playing a crucial role in shaping and advancing technology. Kaarina's story exemplifies the importance of diversity in the tech industry. From diverse perspectives to innovative ideas, individuals like Kaarina highlight the significance of inclusivity in technology. Through her journey, we're reminded of the impact of role models and the boundless potential within each of us.

Kaarina’s story is one of coincidence, courage, optimism, and openness to letting life happen in unexpected ways. “Contrary to common misconceptions, a tech background is not always a prerequisite to work in tech” mentions Kaarina. In fact, embracing opportunities outside of one's comfort zone played a pivotal role in her professional journey. Despite initially pursuing her passion in music, as a professional clarinetist,  her path led her to study economics and ultimately into the dynamic world of Identity and Access Management (IAM) where she fell in love. Kaarina emphasised the importance of collaboration and exposure to diverse perspectives to learn new skillset and develop your ability to take on new challenges. “Open mind, coincidence and optimism is a great recipe to create opportunities” reflects Kaarina. 

Beyond her role as a Head of Identity Management, you can find Kaarina playing Clarinet in an orchestra and spending time with her family. She secretly laughs about her children’s friends calling her an agent, “it is so much more fun to be called an agent than an identity management professional” wouldn’t you agree?

Understanding the rules before playing the game

In today's interconnected digital landscape, managing identities and access rights is crucial for organisations to ensure security, compliance, and operational efficiency. At the core of IAM lies the principle of granting appropriate access rights to individuals within an organisation. Whether it's employees, partners, or customers, every identity should have access for legitimate reasons, without compromising security or compliance. Each individual within an organisation possesses a unique digital identity, which grants them access to specific resources and applications at a specific time. The key principle here is ensuring that access rights are aligned with the individual's role and responsibilities—never more than necessary, to minimise potential risks and maintain compliance. An easy example to look at is “an employee who creates orders in an organisation shouldn’t accept the invoice too” explains Kaarina. 

While technology plays a crucial role in IAM, it's fundamentally an access question rather than a tech question. IAM involves processes, principles, and practices, in fact, “we need to understand the rules before playing the game” says Kaarina. Staying on top of evolving regulations and compliance requirements is essential to ensure that IAM practices remain effective and aligned with industry standards. While the principles of IAM may seem straightforward, implementing them in large organisations like Nordea is complex and challenging. Managing a diverse range of identities and access rights requires meticulous planning, prioritisation, and collaboration across teams.

The Human Element in IAM

People are at the centre of IAM initiatives and collaboration among diverse teams is essential. Our team of colleagues, ranging from Developers, SME’s, Product Owners & Scrum Masters, Technology providers and Internal stakeholders enhance control and reduce risks effectively. 

My role as Head of Identity Management is to support my team in creating roadmaps, prioritising, planning, and driving the execution. "I am not an island, we are a team," adds Kaarina, emphasising that collaborative spirit drives progress in IAM and beyond. Throughout Kaarina’s career, she has learned from supportive leaders who provide the space and encouragement for development, and at the heart of her own management style lies her commitment to holistic growth. She finds fulfilment in seeing her team thrive and witnessing the power of collective effort. 

At Nordea, Kaarina spoke of a culture that encourages individuals to try new things, emphasising the organisation's commitment to empowering its employees to embrace change and pursue their aspirations at Nordea or elsewhere if needed. 

For those aspiring to start a career in IAM, Kaarina recommended leveraging available training opportunities and starting with the process side of IAM to understand the fundamentals first. No matter where you start, continuous learning, active engagement, and grabbing your courage by the horns are key to success in the IAM field. 

Nordea proudly partners with Women in Tech, fostering a more diverse and inclusive tech industry by offering opportunities for participation, recognition, and progression of women in tech.

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