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20-10-2022 18:27

Nordea comments on information regarding Panama Papers case from 2016

Today the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet covers Nordea’s role in cases where previous customers of Nordea Luxembourg have not paid the correct Danish taxes. The matter is related to the Panama Papers from 2016. Since then Nordea has closed its bank in Luxembourg and is in close dialogue with the Danish authorities to resolve the matter.

After the publication of the Panama Papers in 2016, the Danish tax authorities have found that some previous customers of Nordea Luxembourg had not paid the correct Danish taxes.

“I can confirm that the Danish Tax Agency has notified us of a claim against Nordea Luxembourg, and there is a close and constructive dialogue to resolve the matter. We want to contribute to the correct taxes being paid to the Danish government,” says Anders Holkmann Olsen, Group General Counsel at Nordea Danmark.

Nordea has furthermore been informed that the Danish Special Crime Unit is investigating the matter, including Nordea Luxembourg’s role. The matter relates to customer relationships in Luxembourg, which in many cases date back more than ten years. Nordea decided in 2017 to close its bank in Luxembourg, and Nordea no longer has banking activities in the country.

“Our natural focus is the Nordic countries – it is here we belong; it is the society we are a part of. And there must be no doubt that we want to ensure that the tax that must be paid, is paid,” Anders Holkmann Olsen underlines.

Due to the current dialogue with the Danish authorities Nordea has no further comments on the matter.

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