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31-05-2022 10:56

Press coverage of suspected criminal actions at Nordea

In Norway news articles have been published reporting that the Norwegian police have arrested Nordea employees.

Today the Norwegian police have arrested two Nordea employees on the suspicion of loans being issued on false grounds. Nordea is working in close corporation with the police on the matter.

– Nordea will never accept any form of financial crime or being used for any activities that could facilitate financial crime. We give high priority to fighting financial crime at Nordea. Nordea regards the arrests with the utmost seriousness and we are in ongoing dialogue with the authorities about the case. Nordea has a zero-tolerance policy for all violation of rules and is taking all necessary steps with regards to the two employees. At the moment the two employees have been suspended, says Randi Marjamaa, Country Senior Executive and Head of Personal Banking at Nordea Norway.

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