A deep-dive into the various projects
Vegard and Nanna in Fixed Income:
The past two weeks, we were fortunate to join Fixed Income. Here, our project included several different tasks like looking at institutions’ and investors’ ESG preferences in the bond market, analyzing the historical development of high yield bonds, IG- bonds and green bonds, analyzing corporate high yield bonds and giving a buy/sell recommendation to the trader based on our findings.
We’ve learned so much. Among others, this was a great opportunity to learn and use Bloomberg extensively on a practical case.
Ella and Erlend at the trading desk:
We have been working at the trading desk for our second project. Our project was to find out if issuance of NOK bonds with long maturities affects the Norwegian forward curve. We compared issuance of long-term NOK denominated bonds with Norwegian forward swap rates and looked for patterns.
Indeed, we were able to prove our hypothesis, at least partially. This project has been quite demanding, with steep learning curves and a lot of questions asked. Luckily for us, we’ve been surrounded by highly competent traders who were more than happy to answer our (very) frequent questions in the span of two weeks, while busy in the global rates- and FX derivatives markets. We even got to pick trading literature from their personal library, lucky us.
Isabella and Sondre in Large Corporate Norway:
At LC&I Large Corporate we took a deep-dive into the salmon farming industry, where we examined the capital expenditures across the different segments within the industry. This included extensive research on the main market players within conventional, land-based, closed/semi-closed and offshore salmon farming.
Our analysis included a breakdown of the different capex factors, such as license cost and investments in property, plant & equipment. The goal of this was to compare how both the total capex and the different capex factors vary across the different segments. Ultimately, our analysis included an average capex per kilogram produced for all of the segments. Additionally, we considered the impact of ESG regulations going forward. Working with seafood expert, Anders Ødegård and the rest of the LC&I team was highly insightful.
Thank you all for your big support.