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Trade Finance

By building trust, transparency and predictability, companies are supported all the way along the supply chain. No matter how and where trade takes place, Nordea supports the full process, from exploring new markets and finding counterparties to offering a variety of payment and financing opportunities.

Know the risks and secure your trade

International trade is often more risky than domestic trade. Some risks can arise due to the larger distances between trading partners, while others might be associated with cultural differences or variations in political and economic environments. National and international regulations can further complicate matters.

As the leading trade finance bank in the Nordic region, we know how to help you succeed in international trade. At Nordea, we believe in working closely with our customers, getting to understand their business and helping them minimise their exposure to risks. Our comprehensive portfolio of trade finance products, combined with our unrivalled knowledge of global trade, helps you trade internationally with confidence.

Trade & working capital

Corporates that effectively manage their working capital benefit from better cash flow, enjoy greater potential returns on invested capital and can easily reduce the cost of funding. Only with clear and complete shared ownership of working capital management at the highest levels of the company, can you orchestrate the full range of activities available to you to maximise results. We know your business has its own unique challenges, tied to organisational structures, operating models and business strategies.

Trade Finance Newsletter

The Trade Finance Newsletter offers Trade Finance related news as well as information about rules and practices. The newsletter focuses on the practicalities related to Documentary Credits, Demand Guarantees and Collections, e.g. how to get paid under a documentary credit, how to make a complying presentation and how to understand the provisions in UCP 600.

Trade Finance platform

Trade Finance Global

The Trade Finance Global platform offers a secure, user-friendly, single point of entry for all of your global trade finance needs.


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Trade Finance

Stay up to date with the latest thinking from Trade Finance. Here you will find latest articles related to trade.


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Trade Finance News

Get in touch

For more information about how we can support your business, reach out to your Nordea adviser.