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Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit, alpha-numeric code used to identify legal entities that participate in financial transactions.

LEI codes are needed to fulfil reporting obligations under financial regulation. 

Nordea’s Legal Entity Identifier code (LEI) LEI code 
Nordea Bank Abp 529900ODI3047E2LIV03
Nordea – Swedish Branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03
Nordea - Danish Branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03
Nordea – Norwegian Branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03
Nordea – New York Branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03 
Nordea – London Branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03
Nordea – Shanghai Branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03
Nordea - Estonian branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03
Nordea - Polish branch 529900ODI3047E2LIV03