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Per Strömberg

Board Member since 2023
Member of the BOSC and BRPC 
Nationality Swedish
Born 1963

See shareholding in Nordea here.

Per Strömberg has served as the Chief Executive Officer of several companies over the past 17 years and has a wide range of experience within retail, consumer goods, brand and digitalisation. Before joining Nordea as a board member, he held the position of President and Chief Executive Officer at ICA Gruppen, a leading Swedish retail company for 10 years. Currently he is a board member of ICA Gruppen and Lekolar Group.

Other assignments

Board Member, Member of the Reward Committee

ICA Gruppen

Board Member

Lekolar Group

Previous key positions

President and Chief Executive Officer

ICA Gruppen


President and Chief Executive Officer



President and Chief Executive Officer

Sardus AB


Managing Director, Sweden & Nordic Category Director, Coffee & Foods

Kraft Foods Sweden


Managing Director, Denmark & Nordic Category Manager, Coffee

Kraft Foods Denmark


Director, Business Development, Coffee Europe

Kraft Foods International

1999- 2001

General Manager

Kraft Freia Marabou



Master of Science in Business and Economics

Uppsala University