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Disclosure Policy PDF, 304KB
Den här sidan finns tyvärr inte på svenska.
Stanna kvar på sidan | Gå till en relaterad sida på svenskaNordea Bank Abp is a Finnish public limited liability company and the parent company of the Nordea Group (comprising the company and its subsidiaries). Nordea Bank’s shares are listed on the Nasdaq stock exchanges in Helsinki, Stockholm and Copenhagen and its American Depository Receipts are traded in the US in US dollars. As part of its funding operations Nordea Bank and its mortgage bank subsidiaries (Nordea Hypotek AB (publ), Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab, Nordea Eiendomskreditt AS and Nordea Mortgage Bank Plc) also issue long-term debt instruments that are usually listed on various exchanges. Additionally, Nordea has other listed financial instruments as part of its business offering.
Nordea’s Disclosure Policy describes the objective and key principles Nordea follows in investor communications and the publication of financial reporting. In addition, the Policy describes the disclosure, dissemination and storage of the information within the scope of the disclosure obligation as prescribed by rules and regulations.
The general principles for all information given, communicated or disseminated by Nordea is to ensure:
The Policy has been approved by Nordea Bank’s Board of Directors.