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Solvency and Financial Condition Report

Nordea Life Holding AB

Nordea Life Holding AB presents the Solvency and Financial Condition Report for the NLP Group and each of the Nordic subsidiaries as required by the Solvency II regulation.

In the list below you will find reports for 

  • Nordea Life Holding AB 
  • Nordea Liv Norge AS
  • Nordea Livförsäkring Sverige AB
  • Nordea Pension, Livsforsikringsselskab A/S

Please find other reports here:

Report for Finland

Vakavaraisuutta ja taloudellista tilaa koskeva kertomus, Nordea Henkivakuutus Suomi Oy

Report for the non-life company in Finland

Vakavaraisuutta ja taloudellista tilaa koskeva kertomus, Nordea Vakuutus Suomi Oy

Report for Denmark 

Rapport om solvens og finansiel situation (SFCR) 2020,Velliv Foreningen fmba, Velliv, Pension & Livsforsikring A/S

Solvency and Financial Condition Reports