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Active engagement in focus


of advised customers expressed sustainability preferences in 2023.

We assessed our customers’ sustainability preferences 370,000 times  in 2023. In 160,000 cases (43%), the customer expressed a preference to consider their investments’ negative or positive impact on the environment or society.


Sustainable financing and investments


COP29 blog post

The new goal triples finance to developing countries from the previous goal of USD 100bn annually. It’s a step forward, but clearly insufficient. 

Our group of experts, Matti Kahra, Stefan Henningsson and Tiina Salonen, reporting from the UN climate summit COP29.

Press image from COP29

Driving sustainable banking forward

Award-winning methane engagement expands reach and impact

Nordea Asset Management has for several years been driving an investor collaboration engaging with oil and gas companies and more recently utilities on reducing their methane emissions. The initiative now includes 65 oil and gas companies and utilities.

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How we use our shareholder impact to promote labour rights

To demonstrate Nordea’s support of the proposal ahead of the annual meeting, we pre-declared our voting intentions for the proposal on a public investor voting platform. Even though the proposal did not receive enough votes to pass, it is still an important step in our engagement with Tesla. Filing shareholder proposals can help bring attention to important ESG issues, explains Katarina Hammar, Head of Investment Stewardship.

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How are Nordic companies progressing on their climate goals?

Marco Kisic, Head of ESG Research and a co-author of the report, sums up the findings: “Many Nordic companies have ambitious targets and are delivering well against them. But several still don’t have 1.5°C alignment in their targets and/or are not tracking well, especially on scope 3 emissions.”

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Creating positive impact with our customers

At the global level, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement set the general sustainability agenda as well as the more specific climate agenda. To achieve this and to be an even more sustainable bank than we are today, we have fully integrated sustainability into our business strategy. We have a unique opportunity to drive the change, using our size and strength as a force for good. We channel funds towards sustainable growth to support the green transition and strengthen our societies.

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, greenhouse gas emissions must peak before 2025 at the latest and decline 43% by 2030.

The Paris Agreement


Latest post from social media

COP29 ended with a new climate finance goal, but the participating countries couldn’t agree on wording describing how countries should move away from fossil fuels. 

There will be big pressure on COP30 in Brazil to deliver more than this year’s summit. GFANZ – a coalition of leading financial institutions committed to accelerating the net-zero transition – state that the private sector can support with USD 1trn as long as countries live up to commitments and can make their NDCs, their national climate action plans, “financeable”. Technology and markets are moving fast, but will need targets and regulation economy-wide to get things rolling faster. 

Tiina Salonen, Stefan Henningsson and me analysed the outcomes of the global climate summit.

Matti Kahra, Senior Climate Specialist at Nordea.

Why are the Nordics falling behind in circular economy?

At the Nordic Circular Summit in Helsinki tomorrow Monday 18th November, we will look at the role of the start-ups, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs in the transition to a more circular economy. 

Thina Margrethe Saltvedt, Chief Analyst, Sustainable Finance.