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26-10-2023 12:15

Energy renovation of your house – an opportunity you shouldn’t overlook?

Any plans to renovate your house to save money on energy and lower your carbon emissions? Sounds like a good plan, right? 

However, our study The Nordic Pulse reveals that people view energy renovation as slightly less important now than they did in the spring. This could come down to costs. The same study also shows that people in the Nordics worry less about prices now than they did in the spring. Concern about the price of electricity fell across all age groups in the survey.

At Nordea, we support home owners that want to make this kind of investment. In addition to advice and learnings related to energy improvements, we also have specific loan offerings for the purpose. Are you planning any energy renovation this fall? 

Are you planning any energy-renovation this fall? Answer our survey on LInkedIn here. 

Energy-efficient homes: good for the climate and your wallet

The energy efficiency of homes gets increasing attention as regulators develop Minimum Energy Performance Standards, Nordea and other finance providers make net-zero commitments and home buyers and tenants demand energy-efficient buildings. Energy-efficient homes in the Nordics tend to sell at higher prices and cost less to heat, and energy renovation projects may be eligible for subsidies.

Read more about the upsides

What matters the most?

In our survey The Nordic Pulse we also asked the people in the Nordics what they thought had the biggest impact on a sustainable future. Making your home more energy-efficient ended up on place five. People feel buying less clothes and environmentally friendly products and food, has a bigger impact. 

What people thought would have the biggest impact for a sustainable future: 

  1. Buying environmentally friendly products and food.
  2. Switch to a more sustainable mode of transportation.
  3. Buy less clothes.
  4. Buy second hand clothes when needed.
  5. Invest in making your home more energy-efficient. 
  6. Buy energy-efficient appliances and reduce amount of travelling abroad.
  7. Switch to green energy in the household.
  8. Buy an electrical car.
  9. Saving in funds with sustainable focus.
  10. Donating money to charity with sustainable focus.
  11. Other.
Private economy