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FFP #5: Inspiring work place and amazing fellow FFPs – meet Harri, data analyst

06-08-2021 09:00

Computer Science, that's Harri's field of interest. As FFP intern at Nordea Markets, Harri is able to put his theoretical skills and learnings from school into practice in his work as data analyst at Markets - "it's really great," Harri tells in his blog. Have a look for insight into his tasks and the fun FFP life.

By Harri Tiitinen – Administering dashboards, developing and managing technical tasks as data analyst

I am a MSc in Economics and Business Administration from Aalto University and currently study Computer Science at the University of Helsinki. I have previously worked for Nordea as a data analyst in Business Banking, and now I’m in dynamic Nordea Markets.

During the FFP program, I have been working in the Markets Scalable Sales & Concepts team as a data analyst where my responsibilities vary from recurring tasks such as administering periodic dashboards to developing new follow-up reporting as well as managing many ad hoc technical tasks.

I can be found for example working with BI software, writing database queries or scripts for some internal tools. So, I have been putting the skills learned from school to use in practice here. It’s really great.

No such thing as a typical day

As I have a wide variety of responsibilities, I don’t really have a typical day. I also have a lot of freedom in planning what I do during the day as I tend to have many projects running at the same time.

Due to the corona pandemic, my team has worked remotely during my entire FFP internship. What has helped me the most in terms of the feeling of belonging, has been the possibility for me to work at the office.

Another thing has been lunches and occasional ice cream breaks during the summer heat with my amazing fellow FFP colleagues. Not to mention the after work activities – such as one of our most recent get-together where we went on a weekend cottage trip (see photo), arranged by ourselves. It was great fun :-).

It has also been insightful to learn about what my FFP colleagues do during the day and the variety of responsibilities and opportunities Nordea has to offer.

The best part

The best part of my FFP journey so far, has been meeting and hanging out with my FFP colleagues, and getting to closely experience how a lot of things in the financial markets actually happen. It has been inspiring to see and feel, and be part of the vibrant atmosphere of Markets and the Trading Floor in Vallila.

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