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17-02-2022 08:34

New sustainability targets for 2025

At our Capital Markets Day we presented our new sustainability targets for 2025, together with our updated business plan, strategic priorities and financial target. Nordea also announced that sustainability goals are now linked to the remuneration for senior leaders.

Frank Vang-Jensen, President and Group CEO.

As announced earlier, Nordea has committed to becoming a bank with net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. Nordea was also the first Nordic bank to set a medium-term objective to reduce carbon emissions across its lending and investment portfolios by 40–50% by 2030.

The transition to a climate-neutral economy requires strong commitment and actions throughout society. At Nordea, sustainability is integrated into all aspects of the business, including product offerings, advisory sessions, investment and financing decisions, and risk management.

“Sustainability is at the core of our strategy. We have an important responsibility to support our customers and broader society in the transition towards net zero. Sustainability is an integrated part of our value proposition to customers, how we run the bank, organise our internal operations and manage our risks,” says President and Group CEO Frank Vang-Jensen.

A selection of the bank’s new 2025 sustainability targets:

  • facilitate more than EUR 200bn in sustainable financing
  • double the share of net-zero-committed assets under management
  • ensure that 90% of the exposure to large corporate customers in climate-vulnerable sectors is covered by transition plans
  • ensure that 80% of the top 200 emitters in Nordea Asset Management’s portfolios are either aligned with the Paris Agreement or else are subject to active engagement to become aligned
  • ensure that each gender has at least 40% representation at the top three leadership levels combined.
See all our sustainability targets here

“We are taking decisive actions and continuing our step-by-step transition approach. Over the coming years, we will capture sustainable growth opportunities while ensuring that we grow our business in a way that is consistent with our targets,” says Vang-Jensen.

Nordea has also linked sustainability goals to the remuneration of the Group Leadership Team and other senior leaders. The goals are based on targets relating to green financing, sustainability implementation and gender balance.