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“The first two weeks have exceeded all expectations” – Meet our 3 new interns

13-07-2022 13:20

(SE #1) A warm welcome to our three new summer interns, Filippa, Petter and Tilde, who joined us at our Markets trading floor in Stockholm a few weeks ago. And what weeks it’s been, rotating between desks, diving into Stibor, Caps, Swaps, and portfolio management - just to name a few of the areas they’ve been introduced to – not to mention the social ‘after work’ fun they’ve enjoyed with Markets colleagues.

It’s time to meet them, and hear about their backgrounds and expectations, and see what they’ve been doing in their first two weeks at Nordea Markets. 

Hi, I'm Filippa Hegardt (23)

I am a master student at the Stockholm School of Economics where I am studying the finance program. I enjoy spending my spare time with my family and friends. I also enjoy working out and like to go for a run or horseback riding.

I applied to the summer internship with Nordea Markets to discover the range of career opportunities within Markets. For me, it was important to demystify trading and learn about each desk. I heard about the internship through Nordea’s career website, and what first struck me was the rotation structure of the program. The program was very intriguing and unique, and I felt like it would prepare me with the right skillset for a future career within a markets operation. 

During my internship, I expect to work closely with and extensive range of professionals and learn more about their experiences and backgrounds. Further, I wish to grow both my technical skills and soft skills. Lastly, I am hoping to gain real-life perspective on the industry and form invaluable connections with Nordea.

I look forward to learning about Markets through hand on experience, interactive lectures, and shadowing analysts, associates, and senior management. Moreover, I am excited to get an immersive experience on the trading floor as wells as exposure to the roles available. Finally, I am excited to speak to a wide range of professionals to learn more about their jobs, careers, and challenges.

Hi, I’m Petter Kjellberg (23)

I study on my third year of the Business and Economics bachelor at Uppsala University, and will graduate in January 2023. In my spare time I enjoy to spend time with friends, cross-country skiing and play different sports such as tennis, padel and golf.

I applied to the summer internship because of its unique arrangement to rotate between different desks where you get exposure to different business areas and financial products. Moreover, I’ve been working at Nordea in different roles for almost four years, and I’ve always been curious about what it’s like to work at Markets.

My expectations for these weeks as summer intern, is to learn about how the different Sales and Trading desks operate, and how they advise their customers on a daily basis. I also hope to get an understanding about which business area I want to pursue a career within. 

What I look forward to the most during these weeks is to learn many new things as well as meeting new people which hopefully will become my future colleagues.

Hello, I'm Tilde Vidman (23)

I am currently doing my masters in Economics at Lund University.

I applied for this internship since it was a perfect way for me to learn more about Nordea Markets and Nordea. This internship gives me an unique opportunity to learn and explore several parts of Markets since we are rotating between the desk every week.

I expect these weeks to be filled with new information and getting a broad exposure to different areas within Markets. I hope that this internship will give me a deeper and broader knowledge about Markets and Nordea, but also help me figure out what areas I am most passionate about.

In my spare time – when I’m not here at Nordea – I enjoy hanging out with my friends and try new sports and activities. This summer, I hope to get to know new people and go on a lot of after works with my co-interns and colleagues in Markets 😉.

Week 1 – Stibor, Swaps, Caps and fun 'after work'

We, Tilde, Petter & Filippa, spent our first week at the Corporate Derivatives Sales Desk where we got an introduction to the team. We were then presented with a case which we should solve, and then present later that week. In order to solve the case, we had several sessions about Stibor, Interest Rate Swaps, Caps and how the current market situation affected the pricing.

During the week, we got to meet other parts of the bank outside of Markets, including Corporate Finance and ECM. We also joined the FX team for their summer after work which was very fun.

Week 2 – Research, DCM, CPI, and after work Kubb fun

The second week, we joined the Macro team which is responsible for the bank’s research and economic outlooks. We started the week with a macroeconomic overview, and a discussion about the future economic state. The case focused on predicting the CPI where we focused on the food and beverage component of CPI. During the week, we also had an interesting session with DCM and Portfolio Management.

On Wednesday, we had an after work with colleagues from Markets and Equity, where we got the opportunity to win a game of Kubb against the interns at Equity research. It was great!

Exceeding expectations - grateful for the warm welcome

The first two weeks has exceeded all of our expectations, and we are so grateful for the warm welcome. A big thank you to the teams. We are now looking forward for a week at Equity Sales and Research. We’ll keep you posted 😊.


Look out for their next blog, and learn about Equity Sales & Research, and see what else Tilde, Petter and Filippa are up to.

Meanwhile, have a look at some of the other blogs on our Career site, featuring interns from Norway, Finland and Denmark, but you can also find blogs with senior professionals and all sorts of employees within Markets LC&I. Enjoy :-)

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