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Exchange at home

Make international trading easier

If you are involved in foreign trade, there are many advantages to making and accepting payments in local currencies and then conducting the exchange in Nordea’s web-based platform, including:

✓ Convenience for your trading partners

✓ Increased customer satisfaction

✓ Cost savings

Does your company import?

Your foreign suppliers may add a risk premium to their prices in order to protect themselves against exchange rate fluctuations.

By offering to make your purchases in their local currency, you will effectively remove their foreign exchange risk, allowing you to obtain a better price and better payment terms.

If your business is looking to send payments to countries with regulated currencies (e.g. India or Indonesia), we can help with trade-related payments (import or export), foreign direct investments, inter-company loans, and capital-related payments.

Learn more about emerging markets

Does your company export?

With exchange rates constantly fluctuating, requiring customers to make a purchase in a currency other than their own can be confusing as they will never be certain of how much the products or services will actually cost.

Improve customer satisfaction and increase sales by quoting your prices and making offers in your customers’ local currencies.

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Don’t let currency risks lower your margins

Foreign exchange rate fluctuations may cause unnecessary risks, as the value of your purchases and receivables will fluctuate.

Currency risk management helps make business more predictable, reducing fluctuations in cash flows and profits. It helps your company with budgeting and allows it to achieve its estimated margins. Together we can tailor the most suitable solution for managing your company’s currency flows.

Get in touch