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Responsible banking

Actively engaging to drive the transition

Nordea has a long-term perspective and firmly believes that companies with a sustainable business model carry lower financial and reputational risk, which ultimately brings about better business for Nordea as a bank as well as value to our society and stakeholders.

By supporting our customers’ transition through financing, advising, and actively engaging in our investments with a clear focus on sustainability, Nordea can drive positive impact.

Nordea's largest emissions come from our investments and the companies we finance, referred to as scope 3 emissions or financed emissions. It is within this area that Nordea, as a bank and especially as the largest Nordic bank, can have the biggest impact in transitioning to a more sustainable economy.

Our business objective for 2030 is to have reduced the carbon emissions across our lending and investment portfolios by 40–50% relative to our 2019 baseline. 

It is important to acknowledge that it is ultimately up to the customer or the company we invest in to have to implement the changes. However, Nordea’s role is to actively support and guide them in their decisions to do so and to provide the tools to make change happen.

Being a responsible bank means offering responsible solutions

We are all about creating value for our customers, and for that we offer a wide selection of financial services and products. 

Our products are financial solutions designed for our customers’ needs, supporting their financial well-being. Our product governance arrangements ensure that the development and selection of products and services are carefully assessed and distributed in a responsible way to our customers. 

Additionally, Nordea conducts:

  1. monitoring of ESG-related risks at portfolio, product and sector levels through deep dives and our risk appetite framework.
  2. environmental and social impact assessments, where relevant, as part of our commitment to the Equator Principles.

We ensure the products and services remain relevant to our customers through regular reviews and ongoing monitoring. The accountability for the product offering is anchored on the senior management level through our governance arrangements and accountability model. In addition, proper oversight is ensured through good reporting standards catering for managing identified risks and thereby maintaining good product and service quality. If you want to know more we also provide transparent information to our customers of the nature and risks of our product offering.

Explore how we make impact


Read more about how we are supporting companies and driving impact through our financing.

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Read more about how we are working with sustainability in our investments as active owners.

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