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11-04-2023 15:27

Customer tells her story about our digital service: "A seamless experience"

Maria Lallerman found her dream home in spring 2022. After viewing it for the first time, she scanned the market to find a mortgage. Maria wanted to use her time effectively due to a busy working life, and needed a smooth process for getting everything in place to buy the house. Although she wasn’t a customer at the time, she took the opportunity to see what Nordea had to offer and made a mortgage application online.
Just two days after becoming a customer, she had bought her dream house.

Maria Lallerman Nordic Head of Customer Experience and Customer Operations, Enento Group.

“I was amazed by the seamless experience of digital selfservice and excellent support from my adviser when I needed it. It all started with talking to chatbot Nova and sending in my mortgage application. Along the way, I was contacted by an adviser who picked up where I was in the process and shared valuable insights,” says Maria.

She adds: “Great customer experience and availability are important to me, and I found the whole process really well thought through. It was the perfect blend of digital and personal advice, where the adviser paid attention to my needs and got back to me as promised. Every touchpoint took the customer into consideration. When you really need to talk to someone, the quality of the interaction becomes even more important. I was very pleased with the help I got.”

Everything we do begins and ends with our customers

Every day, we work to support our customers’ financial development, always acting within their best interests. Whether they wish to purchase a dream property, grow a start-up or transition to a greener business model, we have the financial strength and expertise to help them succeed.

This is a story from our 2022 Annual Report. If you want to know more about our different business areas, have a look here. 

See more in our Annual report
Short reads
Private economy
Annual Report