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Exciting and inspiring weeks in the Equities space and FX Sales

05-08-2022 11:59

(SE #2) Filippa, Petter and Tilde are five weeks in to their summer internship at the Markets trading floor in Stockholm. So, how’s it going? In their second blog, they tell about their past two weeks in FX Sales, tuning into AutoFX, and in Equity, enjoying Q2 peak season.

By Filippa, Petter & Tilde

Equity Sales & Research

During our third week, we moved to the equity side of the trading floor where we spent two days with Equity Sales and three days with Equity Research. Each morning started with an early meeting where the analysts presented their latest research.

Lucky for us, that week was peak season for companies releasing their second quarter reports which made it extra fun for us as it meant busy days on both the research side with analysing and in sales. Being there watching and learning from the front row, hands-on, was very exciting and educational.

We also had a business case, where we had 24 hours to come up with a company valuation which we then presented on Friday and got constructive feedback from the attending Equity people. It went pretty okay – at least we think so 😉.

From left, Filippa, Tilde and Petter presenting their business case.

It was a great week in Equity. It was very interesting to experience how they work at both the sales and the research side of equities, and we gained a lot of valuable knowledge. Insight and knowledge that you can’t obtain from a school bench.

Markets FX Sales

After a relaxing week of vacation, we then spent a week with the FX team (Foreign Exchange). We began our fourth week with an introduction to the basics of the FX market and the most common products.

As always, a new week means a new case, and this week we got to prepare and execute a meeting for a potential new customer. The case included a deep dive into the USD/SEK pair and how to identify and hedge a company’s FX risks.

This week we also got an extra assignment where we helped the team to find potential customers for Nordea’s AutoFX robot/automation solution. It was a really interesting and rewarding task.

Interesting and inspiring - thank you

So, it’s been yet another two very interesting weeks for us at the Markets trading floor in Stockholm. We want to thank everyone in Equities and FX Sales for the inspiring conversations, and for taking the time to answer all our many questions.

Now, we are looking forward to a week at Rates and Credit Sales & Trading 😊.

Stay tuned – we’ll be back and tell you all about it. Meanwhile, you can read our previous blog for more insight to our lives as interns at Nordea Markets in Stockholm.

Petter, Filippa and Tilde hanging out with colleagues for lunch in the summer sun.

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