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Juho, one of our FFPs, is wrapping up his B.Sc. and beginning his M.Sc. at Aalto University, majoring in Information and Service Management.

“Joining the automation team was a fantastic opportunity” – meet tech talent, Juho

22-08-2022 11:20

(FFP #6) A big bank like Nordea offers countless career opportunities – beyond the traditional banking trades. Among others within IT development, automation, there are vast growth possibilities for talents with tech skills like Juho. Read Juho's blog, and see why he thinks the FFP traineeship is a unique opportunity for tech talents - and about curiosity, pro-activity, and creative problem solving.

By Juho Kunnas (23) – Future Finance Professional (FFP) intern in Automation, Nordea Group Finance

I work in the Automation team where I take part in projects that aim to reduce human workload inside Nordea. That includes designing and implementing automation solutions, providing support with automation related topics and maintaining an internal automation platform.

The tools that we use are not set in stone but can be chosen based on the project. Though, the most common tool that I use is Python.

This job requires proactivity and curiosity, among other things, as most of the tasks are self-directed which allows for creative problem solving. Of course, there are always experienced colleagues ready to help out or brainstorm with, if need be.

While the position is technical, business knowledge is useful since the projects are delivered to other Nordea teams.

My team is spread out on different countries, so all our meetings are virtual. I'm working remote which I think offers flexibility.

In this position, I am able to learn something new every day because the projects are diverse and involve people from all areas of the company. Moreover, I have been provided with access to different learning platforms which allows me to study topics beyond those in my projects during work time each week.

Joining the automation team was a fantastic opportunity as I am able to leverage my technological skills based on years of hobby projects, and my tech-oriented business degree at the same time. Also, working alongside and together with such helpful and skilled people across Nordea makes my time here as FFP into a great experience.  

I can highly recommend tech students to apply for Nordea's FFP programme.

Stay tuned for more blogs from our FFPs 2022. Meanwhile, have a look at some of the previous blogs from Juho's fellow FFPs, like Joonas, Assistant Analyst in the FX Data and Insights competence team in Markets e-Trading.

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