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Meet our interns in Oslo, hear about their week – "busy, fun and super exciting"

02-07-2022 14:02

Warm welcome to our six summer interns who have joined us at Nordea Markets/LC&I in Oslo. We’re pleased and excited to have them with us at the trading floor for eight weeks – and very happy to see they’re off to a good start.


Let’s meet our new talented interns and learn a bit about who their backgrounds, and see what they’ve been doing in their first week of the internship.

Ella Kifle (22)

I recently finished my 4th year at NHH, majoring in Financial Economics.

Why  did you apply for a summer internship with Nordea Markets?

I heard about the internship through the Career Fair at NHH. The rotating programme definitely caught my interest. I believe it serves as an unique opportunity to achieve a holistic understanding of the capital market and its functions.

What are your expectations?

My expectation for this summer internship is mainly to learn as much as possible!

What do you look forward to the most?

All projects seems exciting, but I am looking very forward to working with Risk Solutions. In addition, I am looking forward to the weekly Summer Academy gatherings.

What’s your first week been like?

The first week flew by, which it usually does when you are doing something that you enjoy. I have been working with one of my fellow interns, Erlend, on a project for LC&I (Large Corporates and Institutions). 

Erlend Salhus (22)

I am an incoming fifth-year master's student at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), majoring in finance. Previously, I completed a bachelor's degree at BI Norwegian Business School in business administration, specializing in applied macroeconomics. Previous work experience includes three years at Handelsbanken and three years at XXL.

Why an internship at Nordea Markets?

I read previous blog posts, as I knew some previous interns at Nordea. The rotational nature of the internship seemed very valuable. Being introduced to the entire value chain of an investment bank within two months is a rare and uncommon opportunity. My general interest in finance became evident as a first-year student. However, this internship allows for specialization and offers an opportunity to research which part of the bank one finds most intriguing.  


I expect to spend the summer exploring challenging topics, in addition to meeting brilliant people within the organization. After only one week, I have met dedicated and educated individuals within their respective fields. I believe this trend will continue throughout the summer. Hopefully, I will return to NHH this fall with a clear ambition as to which area of finance I want to start my career.

I look forward to better getting to know the different people who work at Nordea. So far, every day has given new experiences and acquaintances, which have been fun. 

My first week?

The first week has passed by at high speed, meeting so many new people, participating in several social events, and also familiarizing with the first assignment this summer. The assignment is a project for Large Corporates & Institutions, where me and Ella attempt to analyse the major trends in ESG and AML that will impact LC&I customers at Nordea. It has been fulfilling to look into a relatively unfamiliar area. 

Isabella Caspari (22)

I recently finished my first year of MSc Finance at BI Oslo.

Why did you apply for the internship?

I first heard about the internship from a previous intern in Nordea Markets. She told me about all the different departments she gained insight into. After this I reviewed previous years blog posts and learned about the weekly summer academy as an additional opportunity to hear first-hand from professionals how they do what they do.


Through the internship I hope to gain insight into parts of the bank and markets which we do not necessarily get to hear about at university. I look forward to learning about new departments and collaborating with both the other interns and employees.

How has your first week been?

The first week has been super exciting. We have got to know so many new people and departments and how they work. We have also played indoor bandy (with mixed results😊 ), been to Summer Academy  and started to dig into our first projects, I’m working on ESG.

Sondre Nilsson (25)

I completed my bachelor degree at NHH, and then spent almost two years as a credit analyst. Currently I am pursuing my master’s degree at University of St. Gallen.
Fun fact: Educated sommelier

Why did you apply for the internship?

I applied to the internship at Nordea Markets because I found it really interesting with an internship that rotates between several divisions, including Corporate Finance, LC&I, and FX/Derivatives. To me, this sounded like an ideal opportunity to learn more about Nordea and some of its many products and divisions. I heard about Nordea and the internship through friends and recommendations from previous employees.


I hope to achieve a more thorough and deeper understanding of the financial markets and to gain more insight into Nordea and its structure with all its different departments and products. Furthermore, I want to use this opportunity to learn from the highly skilled professionals at Nordea and to exploit all the expertise that these people possess.

The thing I look forward to the most, is to be surrounded by market and industry experts every day. I have heard that the people here are very open-minded and eager to share their knowledge and passion for finance, and this is something that I look forward to experience.

How has your first week been?

The first week at Nordea has been really interesting and eventful. The days have consisted of a combination of introduction meetings and seminars, project work, and more social events in the evening. I was lucky enough to begin my internship with a Corporate Finance project, which has been very interesting and full of valuable learnings.

Nanna Kjekstad (24)

Currently studying at the Norwegian School Of Economics (NHH), in my 4th year, with a Major in Finance.

Why did you apply for internship at Nordea Markets?

I attended an event with Nordea through ‘Femme Forvaltning’ and got a great impression of the company and the people working there. The internship program seemed like an unique opportunity to explore different divisions while also becoming more familiar with Nordea.


I hope to develop a deeper understanding of the different services provided in the financial sector and explore if I want to pursue a professional career within finance after my studies. Furthermore, I look forward to work on the different projects, and hopefully learn a lot from the talented people that works here.

How has the first week been?

The first week have been really good. The people I have met have been very welcoming and eager to share their knowledge with us. I also got to start working on my first project in Corporate Finance. I work on an ongoing mandate, which is really exciting. Additionally, we have gotten to know each other off work through some social gatherings.

Vegard Bergene Aabrekk (22)

I am currently in between my 4th  and 5th year at the Norwegian School Of Economics (NHH) where I am pursuing a double degree in Finance and International Management.

Why did you apply for a summer internship with Nordea Markets?

I applied to the internship based on the unique structure with its rotation program. Being able to work in interesting fields such as FX, derivatives, interest rates, Equity Research, Investment Banking etc. will give you an insight into what you might want to do in the future, which I find to be very valuable.

What are your expectations?

I hope to get an overall grasp of the different services Nordea provides, and to learn as much as possible within the respective fields.

I look forward to learn from experts within the financial industry and get first-hand experience working at the trading floor.

What’s the first week been like?

The first week has been busy, but with a steep learning curve. It has been a great experience getting to know the people at the trading floor, working at a “real project” and get some practical experience on how the different services work.


Stay tuned, as the interns will blog about their experiences with us during the entire internship - so keep your eyes out for their next blog.

Meanwhile, you can read some of the articles on our "Meet our Talents" blog, featuring interns, graduates and many other of our many brilliant minds who work in Nordea LC&I/Markets. 

Interested in a career at Nordea Markets LC&I?

Nordea Markets LC&I (Large Corporates & Institutions) is the leading international capital operator and investment banking partner in the Nordic region. Let some of our student interns, graduates as well as experienced professionals explain it to you; how it works, what we do, and about the many career opportunities we can offer you.

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