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Sad to leave – it’s been such a memorable and valuable experience

08-09-2022 14:02

(NO #5) As our internship comes to an end, we have mixed feelings. We’re sad to be leaving, and at the same time we’re grateful for all the great experiences we’ve had and for all the nice people we have met along the way.

By Ella, Vegard, Nanna, Sondre, Isabelle & Erlend

During our final two weeks here, all of us have embarked on our very last projects. Ella and Isabella have been working with Equity Research on some exciting tasks. Sondre and Nanna have also had a project in Equity Research for the Seafood team, while Vegard and Erlend have been working in Corporate on different mandates.  

These weeks have been full of lasts:

We also attended our last Summer Academy meeting hosted by Head of ESG, Anne Schult Ulriksen. As we know, ESG is here to stay, and we found it interesting to hear how Nordea is working across departments to be part of fruitful changes for all their stakeholders. Data is key!

Of course, no Summer Academy is complete without a social outing. This week involved Karaoke! We also took part in our last floorball session - Interns got to show off all our skills, a definite improvement from week 1 😊.

Much of our time also went on preparing a final presentation of our work and findings during the summer. Making the presentation really reflected how much we managed to squeeze in during the eight weeks’ internship. We got to present it for all of Markets and LC&I. This was a great way to share all our findings and get some constructive feedback.

To mark our time here, we ended the final week with dinner to celebrate the successful weeks we’ve had here at Markets in Oslo.

As our time as Summer Interns is coming to an end, we are sad for it to end. However, we are also happy to have had such an unique experience – and grateful to all the people we have met.

Thank you all for making our internship such a memorable and valuable experience.

It’s been GREAT!

We highly recommend fellow students to go for a summer internship at Nordea Markets.

Details about our last projects:

Isabella & Ella, Equity Research & Derivatives: For our last project, Ella and I worked together on a project for Equity Research. While we can’t go into details,  our work involved a lot of data gathering and critical thinking to find the most important elements worth drawing out.

Nanna & Sondre, Equity Research: Seafood supply forecast model.

Vegard, DCM: For my last project, I have deep dived into bonds working in the DCM division.  During this project I have analysed data to map investors, worked on market updates, and created slides for pitch decks. It was a great opportunity to work on the private side of the bank.

Erlend, Corporate Finance: I have been working in the corporate finance department, where I really got to test my research skills. Deep diving into several different industries, breaking down information and presenting it in a clear manner has been the trend of the department. Besides these research assignments, I have also worked on the analyst presentation for an IPO where Nordea has the lead mandate. This was such a great opportunity, and a good way to end the internship.

You can read some of our previous blogs here.

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