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File Transfer

Payments are transmitted most efficiently as files through a file transfer service. Your company can choose to upload and download files manually from our File transfer service in Corporate Netbank or automate the process of the upload and download directly from your financial administration or ERP system with a Host-to-Host solution, which enables routine tasks to be managed automatically.

Customers of Corporate Access and Corporate eGateway use File Transfer service to connect and transmit the files to and from Corporate Access and Corporate eGateway.

File transfer via Host-to-Host has no user interface, such as of our Netbank solutions. Corporate customers must always conclude an agreement with Nordea on the transmission of payment files. Extended technical knowledge is needed for implementing the solution. Nordea recommends a 3rd party service/software provider if the necessary in-house knowledge is not available on the customer’s side.

The customer using File Transfer services need to have proper and professional process for Certificate change. Nordea sends out information regarding certificate change via our Cash Management newsletter Subscription service. Certificates are published below in the “Certificate download” section of the page.

Your benefits

  • Easy and low cost transferring of files 

  • Automatic sending and receiving of files 

  • Handling of large files 

  • File transfer service is available 24 hours a day every day 

  • You can send payment files to Nordea and download account reports when it best suits your company 

  • Support during business hours

Several communication protocols/methods are supported in File transfer via Host-to-Host: