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Learn more about our logon methods and technical requirements


To logon to either Nordea Corporate or Corporate Netbank, you need to have one of our logon methods; Nordea ID, Mobile Bank ID, Nordea ID Device, Card reader with cable or Card reader without cable. On this page you will find information on how to start using them via FAQ and instruction videos.

We have also included information about the technical requirements that we recommend to operate in Corporate Netbank.


Nordea ID

Nordea ID app is a user friendly authentication method for logging in to Corporate Netbank - use your mobile phone or tablet to log on, confirm and verify payments.

On this page you will find an information video on how to get started with the logon solution. There is also a section of frequently asked questions where you for example can see how to confirm and verify a payment.

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FAQ about Nordea ID


Mobile Bank ID

Swedish Mobile BankID is a user friendly authentication method for logging in to Corporate Netbank - use your mobile phone or tablet to log on, confirm and verify payments.

FAQ about Swedish Mobile Bank ID


Nordea ID Device

Nordea ID Device is a hardware solution for logging in to Corporate Netbank or Nordea Corporate – use the device to log on, confirm and verify payments.

In this section you will find information on how to get started with the logon solution. You will find a section of frequently asked questions and step-by-step guide on how to activate the device.

FAQ about Nordea ID Device


Card reader with cable

If you want a full instruction on how to get started with card and cardreader, you are welcome to see our introduction video below. You can also find a section of Frequently asked questions FAQ.

To get started with card reader with cable you need to have the following items, all provided from Nordea: A chip card (Nordea eID or e-legitimation), valid PIN, a card reader with USB cable. You also need to install the security software for BankID Security Application and the Nordea card reader driver, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that your computer meets the technical requirements.
  2. A person with administrator rights should make the installation on the PC or Mac.
  3. Download and install the BankID Security Application and then the driver for the Nordea card reader.

If you need any further assistance please contact your local Support.

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FAQ about card reader with cable


Card reader without cable

To get started with card reader without cable you need to have the following items, all provided from Nordea: A chip card (Nordea eID or e-legitimation), valid PIN for the card and a card reader. To get more information you are welcome to see our introduction video here below.

If you want to know for example how to verify a payment or other similar questions please look into our FAQ.

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FAQ about card reader without cable


Information regarding technical requirements