The LEI registration is a straight forward, online procedure typically based on 5 general steps:
- Create a personal account at a LOU
- Register company information
- Pay either an invoice sent by email or to the postal address you provide
- A verification process starts when the LOU receives the payment
- The LEI code is allocated once the verification in complete
The properties of the LEI codes are the same regardless of where the LEI is issued. However, only endorsed LOUs and their recognised registration agents are valid from an EMIR perspective.
NordLEI (Sweden)
Recognised Registration Agent of the GMEI Utility (Web portal available in all Nordic languages and payments accepted in local currencies).
Guide to registration of LEI at NordLEI
Apply for a LEI: and click the button “APPLY” and follow the instructions.
This is an online application where you need to register as a user before submitting the form.
London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)
Click on “How to Request an LEI”. This is an online application where you need to register as a user before submitting the form.
GMEI Utility
Click on “Don’t have an account yet?” if it is the first time you use the system.
This is an online application where you need to register as a user before submitting the form.
Finnish patent bureau Endorsed and operational. Only accepts Finnish companies.
Download the form, fill it with information and sign it according to the rules listed on this homepage and send it to the addresses listed on this page.
For the full list of endorsed LOUs please visit the GLEIF website