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Our sustainability targets

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To achieve this and to be an even more sustainable bank than we are today, we have fully integrated sustainability into our business strategy. Our focus will be on the sustainability topics in which we can have a significant impact – and setting targets and objectives in line with that.

Our significant sustainability topics were identified through a combined materiality and impact analysis and then grouped into four strategic pillars: climate action, social responsibility, governance and culture and financial strength

2050 long-term objective

2030 mid-term objective


Full list of Nordea’s sector targets:

The sector targets cover Nordea's lending portfolio and will guide Nordea’s work to support its customers’ journeys to reduce emissions and accelerate the transition of the economy. Our first round of sector targets was launched in December 2022 and covered shipping, residential real estate, oil and gas and thermal peat mining. At the end of 2023, Nordea also set additional targets for power production and agriculture. In February 2024 the sector target for cars and vans was published. 





Emissions scope 


Benchmark scenario 

Base year 

Target year 




AER, gCO2/dwt-nm 

Poseidon principles (IMO 2050) 




Residential Real Estate 

Households and tenant-owner associations 

1, 2 


Utility sector NDC1, CRREM 





Crops, plantation and hunting, and Animal husbandry 

1, 2 


National sector targets and SBTi FLAG3 




Motor vehicles

Cars and vans










Power Production 

Electricity generation 

1, 2 



SBTi 1.5C 





Oil and Gas 

Exploration and Production 

1, 2, 3  







Drilling rigs and offshore service vessels within Oil and Gas and Shipping 






Thermal peat mining 






Thermal coal mining 



Restrictive policy. Full phase-out achieved 2021. 

1 Combined, NDC (Nationally Determined Contributions) plus renovation decarbonisation and building stock turnover decarbonisation (conservative estimates). 

2 A normative IEA scenario that shows a pathway for the global energy sector to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 and is consistent with limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 °C without a temperature overshoot (with a 50% probability), in line with reductions assessed by the IPCC in its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C

3 National sector targets and Science Based Targets Initiative Forestry, Land and Agriculture (SBTi FLAG) include both GHG-emission reductions and carbon removals 

4 Including methane emissions in CO2 equivalents for scopes 1 and 2. 
5 Scope 1 covers emissions tank-to-wheel.

2023-2025 targets

Our sustainability efforts are built on four strategic pillars: financial strength, climate and environmental action, social responsibility, and governance and culture.

Under each pillar, we have identified relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals and specific sustainability-related matters that impact us or that we can have a significant impact on – by reducing the negative impact or increasing the positive impact through our financing, investments and internal operations. We have set measurable long-term and medium-term objectives and 2023–2025 targets to support a more sustainable future for each of the strategic pillars. You can also read more in our sustainability notes in our Annual Report. 

Climate and environmental action

To become a net-zero emissions bank by 2050 at the latest, we are engaging with and supporting our customers and portfolio companies in reducing their climate impact, while reducing our own.


  1. Ensure that 90% of our exposure to large corporate customers in climate-vulnerable sectors is covered by transition plans by the end of 2025*.
  2. By 2025, ensure that 80% of the top 200 financed emissions contributors in Nordea Asset Management’s portfolios are either aligned with the Paris Agreement or subject to active engagement to become aligned.
  3. Double the share of net-zero-committed AuM by 2025.
  4. Reduce the carbon footprint from Nordea Life & Pension’s listed equity, corporate bond and real estate portfolios by at least 25% by the end of 2024.
  5. All asset managers** managing assets on behalf of Nordea Life & Pension must commit, no later than 2024, to transitioning their assets under management to net-zero by 2050.
  6. Total carbon reduction from internal operations of 40% compared with 2019 by the end of 2025***.
  7. Suppliers covering 80% of spend are either aligned with the Paris Agreement or subject to active engagement to become aligned by 2025.

* Defined as the percentage of exposure to climate vulnerable sectors for which the obligor or group mother has set a time-bound and quantifiable target to cut GHG emissions.
** Target covers all asset managers in liquid asset classes. For asset managers in illiquid asset classes selected criteria apply.
*** As the 2023 targets were reached, the total carbon reduction from internal operations was raised from 30% to 40% and the expectation of suppliers Paris Agreement alignment has been raised to cover 80% from 70% of the spend.



  1. 70%
  2. 81%
  3. On track
  4. 26%
  5. 48%
  6. 52%
  7. 70%

By end of 2023. 

See all details

Social responsibility

By considering human rights and labour rights throughout our value chain and promoting gender equality, fair employment conditions and education we aim to create social impact where it matters the most.


  1. Each gender* has at least 40% representation at the top three leadership levels** combined by the end of 2025.
  2. With a minimum average index score of 92, respondents*** feel they have been treated fairly regardless of gender, gender identity, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, (dis)ability, etc. by the end of 2023.
  3. Minimum average index score of 90 for Diversity & Inclusion***, by the end of 2025. 
  4. All direct investments in companies made by funds managed directly by Nordea Asset Management are assessed against the minimum safeguards in the area of human rights (in line with the EU taxonomy) by the end of 2023.
  5. Human rights impact assessment of the supply chain in place by the end of 2023.

* ”Gender” refers to biological or legal sex. To be compliant with regulatory restrictions on sensitive data, we do not register gender identity. We, however, welcome and enable self-identification of gender identity.
** Group Leadership Team (GLT), GLT-1 and GLT-2.
*** According to Nordea’s employee engagement survey.



  1. On track
  2. Target met, 92
  3. New target, 89
  4. Target met
  5. Target met

By end of 2023. 

See all details

Governance and culture

Strong governance and a healthy corporate culture will lead to the successful execution of our strategic sustainability agenda for a greater good.


  1. 100% of new suppliers* screened for sustainability issues like country risk, sector risk, carbon intensive sectors, investment exclusion list, negative ESG events via media screening and regulatory actions.
  2. Integrate sustainability into people processes covering purpose and values, employee value proposition and variable pay goals by the end of 2023.

*Covering all contracted suppliers that are available in the screening system.


Financial strength

Understanding and managing environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities is crucial to maintaining our financial strength and strong capital position.


  1. Risk management framework for ESG risks in place by the end of 2023.
  2. Risk assessments in place for the sectors and customers most vulnerable to climate risk by the end of 2023.
  3. Facilitate more than EUR 200bn in sustainable financing by the end of 2025.
  4. Grow gross inflows from the Nordea Sustainable Selection universe to account for 33% of total fund gross inflows by the end of 2025.