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Koncernchefen och koncernledningen

(De här sidorna presenteras på engelska).

Frank Vang-Jensen

President and Chief Executive Officer

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Nina Arkilahti

Head of Business Banking

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Petteri Änkilä

Head of Large Corporates & Institutions

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Martin A Persson

Head of Asset & Wealth Management

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Kirsten Renner

Head of Group Technology

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Mads Skovlund Pedersen

Head of Group Business Support

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Jussi Koskinen

Chief Legal Officer and Deputy Managing Director

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Ulrika Romantschuk

Head of Brand, Communication and Marketing

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Nordea Group’s President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is charged with the day-to-day management of Nordea Bank Abp and the Nordea Group’s affairs in accordance with the external and internal framework. The internal framework regulates the division of responsibilities and the interaction between the Group CEO and the Board. The Group CEO works closely with the Chairman of the Board in relation to the planning of Board meetings.

The Group CEO is accountable to the Board for the management of the Nordea Group’s operations and he is also responsible for developing and maintaining effective systems for internal control within the Nordea Group. The Group CEO works together with certain senior officers within the Group Leadership Team (GLT). 

Group Leadership Team

The Group Leadership Team meets regularly and whenever necessary upon request by the Group CEO. These meetings are chaired by the Group CEO, who reaches decisions after consulting with the other members of the Group Leadership Team. Minutes of meetings, verified by the Group CEO, are kept.