ESG stands for environmental, social and governance, and refers to the three key factors widely used to evaluate how companies, countries and other actors contribute to sustainable development

Closeup of thoughtful businesswoman wearing eyeglasses seen through window

Sustainable banking

Saving with sustainable focus: How green is green?

Funds that focus on sustainability – what does that really mean? How can investment funds be sustainable and who sets the requirements? More and more people are showing interest in this form of investment and there is regulation in place to support it. Get a quick overview.

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Man climbing on windmill

Sustainable finance

Corporate treasuries see sustainable financing on the rise

Sustainability has taken root in corporate treasuries, and the focus is expected to increase in the coming years, according to our annual Treasury Survey for 2024.

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Gardener using digital tablet for information about new plants

Sustainable banking

What is sustainable financing?

Sustainable financing is a form of financing that takes environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into account when setting criteria for the funding.

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Anna-Karin Modin-Edman, senior biodiversity specialist in Nordea


Biodiversity and business: Our expert on the emerging trends

Anna-Karin Modin-Edman is Nordea’s resident biodiversity expert. She explains why the theme is climbing corporate agendas, the main challenges and how companies are tackling them.

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Worker pulling hand truck

Active ownership

How we use our shareholder impact to promote labour rights

Nordea has extensively engaged for several years with many known consumer brands to improve labour rights at the companies. Recent examples are Tesla, Starbucks and Amazon.

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Green bonds Nordea

Active ownership

Award-winning methane engagement expands reach and impact

Nordea Asset Management has for several years been driving an investor collaboration engaging with oil and gas companies and more recently utilities on reducing their methane emissions. The initiative now includes 65 oil and gas companies and utilities.

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Closeup of team members examine esg related documents

Active ownership

More than 1,000 dialogues with companies on their sustainable transition

In 2023 Nordea’s responsible investment experts engaged in more than 1,000 dialogues with companies in the name of our investment funds. The aim of the dialogues was to discuss how the companies work with topics such as climate change, human rights and governance.

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Markets LC&I

“It’s quite intense, very rewarding and just great, professionally and socially” – ESG interns in LC&I tell

(ESG #2) Fully dedicated to help drive the change towards a greener society, we’re committed to supporting our corporate clients’ transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy. With ESG at the core of everything we do, it’s a delight and inspiration to have nine summer interns, equally passionate about ESG and sustainability, joining us in LC&I ESG in Stockholm - and learn that they’re having a great time; learning a lot, on many levels, professionally and personally.

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Top-down aerial view of a winding road in the middle of a forest

Corporate insights

ESG ratings update shows continued progress for Nordic companies

Nordea Equities' ESG Research team has published the annual update of its ESG ratings based on around 300 companies' published 2023 data. ESG remains firmly in focus for Nordic companies, although momentum has slowed in some metrics.

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Markets LC&I

ESG internship: “Exciting blend of learning, collaboration, and fun” – this is why

(ESG #1) With sustainability at the core of everything we do at Nordea, we’re pleased to have eight talented students joining us as summer interns in our ESG unit in Large Corporates & Institutions (LC&I). Tag along and hear about their tasks, learnings, and team work, not to mention the social aspects of hanging out with fellow interns and colleagues, and having fun.

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Sustainable finance

Nordic companies’ EU Taxonomy alignment on the rise

Nordic companies have reported their EU Taxonomy numbers for 2023, and Nordea's ESG Research team has analysed the results. While average revenue alignment for companies increased from 7.5% to 8.0%, we still see upside potential for several sectors.

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Aerial view of road and trees by the sea


Companies report on four new EU Taxonomy objectives: water, pollution, biodiversity and circularity

EU companies recently reported their alignment with the EU Taxonomy for the second year in a row. For the first time, they also reported their eligibility under four new environmental objectives: water, pollution, biodiversity and circularity. The results bode well for companies' overall Taxonomy alignment numbers next year, according to Nordea's ESG Research team.

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